Our mission is to help as many families as possible

Our Mission

The purpose of Village is to fulfill the adage that “it takes a village to raise a child.” We connect parents to the resources that they need to raise healthy & happy children.

At its core, Village is about building communities. We aim to be the platform where parents learn from childcare experts, experts learn & grow together, and children reap the rewards.

We are the helping hand of a neighbor and the trusted, friendly face of childcare expertise.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is rooted in care, balance, & equality

All children deserve to be raised to be happy, healthy, & emotionally intelligent and parents sometimes need support to develop the tools to raise children this way. Children are unique & every family is different so the challenges are always different and solutions are never “one size fits all”. Parents deserve individualized help that meets their needs, delivered to them quickly & intuitively and our Experts will work with you to find the right answers for your family.  

Mike & Casey started Village with a desire to provide a unique & optimal solution for parents to learn how to be parents, but the passion for it is driven by a desire to help people.  As a business strategy consultant, this was rarely possible in Mike’s career.  Professionally, Casey has had the opportunity to impact children & families, but only on an individual level. 

Village is a chance to improve the lives of parents, children, & childcare professionals everywhere and that philosophy runs through everything we do & drives every decision we make.  We are invested in making the world a better place.  We believe that the world needs more happy people and they start as happy children.

Village wants to provide a helping hand to those in need

Village Cares

Traditionally, elite childcare has only been available to the super wealthy. We believe that all children, regardless of their situation, have the right to a happy childhood.

Not all families can afford to pay for full time childcare, but that does not mean they do not deserve the advantages of “professional parenting”. Full time parents might not need someone around all the time, but they can still benefit from the experience and insights.

Village could flourish as a luxury service, but that is not what we want to be. Our aim is to keep our costs low for every family and partner with local governments to make Village available to families in need.

Maybe we are a little idealistic, but Village was founded with the intention of helping people, and as many people as possible. We believe that, by helping parents develop the tools to raise happy children, we can put some good into the world.